Tuesday, October 13, 2009

VPPA Meeting

Karen traveled to Danville, Virginia, last week to share a marketing seminar to a VPPA guild meeting. She recently shared her marketing ideas with most of these photographers at our PPNC Proshare Class earlier this year, so she was pressed to come up with some new topics. Her solution: Inspire photographers to separate themselves from their competition. Motivate them to push harder and maintain the "WOW" factor!

The economy is struggling. The industry is struggling. Photographers are downsizing and some even closing their doors to make ends meet. But that's not a reason to save money on marketing or to give up. That means we should market harder and more consistently. "WOW" the customers to that they don't want to save money by going to the amateur photographer down the street.

Karen got some great compliments on her seminar. Take a look!

"Your program was so helpful. We are busy applying what we learned."
Thanks, Jack & Debbie

"I loved Karen's presentation! She is such a down to earth person with a lot of natural creativity. Who could not come away inspired?"

"It's nice to have someone sit and share HONESTLY what's happening and how hard her studio works to keep things rolling! Karen was fabulous and we appreciate all she shared with us at our meeting!"

"Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your presentation at the VPPA meeting. You are a great inspiration to all others."

"Just wanted to drop you an email to thank you for coming up to the VPPA meeting lastnight. I really enjoy hearing from professional people who are so passionate about their work! I have been wanting to attach myself to a cause and do more local benefits. Your work with Focused on a Cure is simply amazing and inspiring. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and your faith!!"
God bless,

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