Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Client Showcase - The Pless Family

For our first 2009 IP newsletter, we chose to showcase the Pless family. We like to showcase families that have an inspiring story to tell. Sara and Frank have just that!

Our relationship with Karen and IP started early in 2007. I'm in direct sales and had been picked by the company to represent them in Oprah's O Magazine. Talk about thrilled and shocked beyond belief! I had to have professional head-shots done and I immediately thought of Irresistible Portraits. I had heard about their great reputation and was vaguely familiar with their work. I was so excited to be able to give them a try.

So I took my son Kendall, who was 4 at the time with me to the session. After she had captured the business shots I shyly asked her if she minded taking "just one" picture of me and Kendall. You should know that I LOVE pictures, but being Mom - I'm always the one behind the camera. She was so gracious and didn't mind at all. Kendall of course was great, and we left the studio.

When she called me back to come and view the images I was blown away. The business shots were perfect but I was in tears over the images of Kendall and I. She couldn't have had more than 5 minutes with just the two of us, but she captured his personality to a T. I knew right then and there that I would not be going anywhere else for photographs!

Kendall's 5th birthday was later that same year in June, so my husband Frank and I took him and had family photos done as well. Once again, Karen was amazing. Frank and I both really don't enjoy having our pictures taken, but she worked her magic anyway! From that session we picked out a book of various shots of Kendall and a gallery wrap for the family picture. Everybody who walks thru my door (and being the Bra Lady - that's a lot of people...) comment on what a beautiful picture it is.

Fast forward to May 2008...my sister, Lisa and I were BOTH pregnant! Lisa was expecting her first child - a daughter. And I was expecting TWINS! Identical little girls. I didn't take the opportunity to have maternity shots done when I was pregnant with Kendall, and I regretted it. So I called my sister and to IP we went. That session was SO much fun. We laughed and bared our bellies and of course had Kendall by our sides as well. Lisa was due in June, and I in September. My belly was already as big as hers!

We went back to view those images and placed our orders. And while sitting in the comfort of the studio I couldn't have imagined what was in store for our family.
Just a couple of weeks after our session I found out that my little girls were suffering from TTTS - Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. This effects an estimated 6000 babies a year, and about 80% of those die. The sad part is that this is largely due to a failure to diagnose or adequately treat the problem. Fortunately, we had excellent prenatal care and knew the girls were sharing a placenta. We knew it could be a complication.
TTTS is a disease of the placenta that affects identical twin pregnancies. Because some blood vessels are shared unequal amniotic fluid levels can result. One baby is overwhelmed by an excessive amount of fluid while the other is "stuck" to the wall in the womb. I vividly remember that ultrasound - it looked like little Madison had been shrink wrapped to the uterine wall. I went in on a Monday for that ultrasound and my little ladies were delivered by C-Section the next day - born 13 weeks early.
Elisabeth weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces and Madison was 1 pound, 12 ounces. They were supposed to be 3 months younger than their cousin, but instead came exactly one week before. After fighting minor heart problems, infection after infection, two brain surgeries and a 75 day stay in the NICU I'm happy to report that Elisabeth Anne and Madison Gayle were able to come home by September 1st. They are little miracles and full of spunk!
For their 6 month pictures we took them to IP in December 2008. Now I was thinking - Karen is good, but what can she do with THREE little babies all at once??!! (My sister's little girl - Jacey - was also with us.) Magic I tell you! She was kind enough to tell their story on her blog and when I saw the images - they took my breath away. I'm dumbfounded at how she can even capture the personality of a tiny little baby. From their wondrous little faces to Jacey's huge dark eyes and grin - we will cherish these photos forever.

We've had portraits made at other "cheaper" places, but never again. What we love about Karen and Buddy and the rest of the IP family is the attention to details and the quality of the end result. You don't come away with "just a picture", it's a work of art that you just want the whole world to see!

Thank you so much for all that you do. From the comfort of your studio to the hand written notes that I receive each time - you will be our family photographer as long as you are in the business!

For more information about TTTS - go to

More than 200 babies are lost each day to various fetal distress syndromes. For more information go to

To read Elisabeth and Madison's story:


Frank, Sara, Kendall, Elisabeth (Ibby), & Madison (Maddie)

Sara C. Pless (704) 796-6662
"The Bra Lady"
EBW Certified Fitter

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